Yeah. Most of us don't.
But it is high time that you do. There is no more time to waste not being who you are. Okay, so time isn't ever really wasted and you could sit around and hem and haw about what this means. OR you could go into who you are and become the very being you were always desiring to be right here, right now. Why wait? I mean, seriously, who would that benefit? You? No. A big resounding N-O. What about someone else? Would it be of benefit to them for you to shrink into nothingness and not be who you have always wanted and desired to be in the inner-most depths of your soul? Okay, so that was a little dramatic, but intimately, it is incredibly true. Absolutely true.
You are a cell on planet Earth. She is our mother, our giver, our guiding godness. We honor her by honoring ourselves. You are not destructive, manipulative, shy or angry at your core. You are love, cherish, honor, beauty and grace. You are the most Divine being on this planet. And you walk amongst Divinity. So be your Divine self. Not for others, but because it's who and what you are - Divinity embodied.
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